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"Building Maintenance Worker" Training Program for Indigenous Communities Case Study


The Indigenous communities faced a need for skilled maintenance workers capable of performing a wide range of repairs and upkeep tasks. This gap not only affected the physical infrastructure but also impacted the overall well-being and self-sufficiency of the communities. Traditional training programs were either inaccessible or not tailored to the specific needs of this First Nation. 

building maintenance worker program



Irwin's developed a 10-day, hands-on training program covering basic skills in carpentry, drywall, electrical work, and more. Each student was provided with a toolbox, empowering them with the necessary tools to practice their new craft. 

The training was deployed across multiple First Nation communities in Canada, often in partnership with local elder homes requiring maintenance support. This approach not only provided practical learning opportunities for the students but also directly benefited the communities through the maintenance services rendered.

The hands-on training methodology proved to be highly effective, with the program being well-received by participants and community leaders alike.


The Result

By providing hands-on, practical training tailored to the needs of First Nation communities, Irwin's has not only enhanced the skillset of numerous individuals but has also contributed to the broader goal of community self-sufficiency and empowerment.

of Community
Students Trained
industrial-case study