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OHS Services in Prince George

Irwin's Safety: Prince George Office

Industrial Safety and Labour Services in Prince George, British Columbia

Mining Support
OH&S Consulting
Turnaround Support

Keeping Your Workers Safe in Prince George 

Workplace injuries and illnesses can have devastating impacts on workers, their families, and employers. However, many of these incidents are preventable with proper occupational health and safety (OHS) programs in place. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), businesses that take a strategic approach to promoting occupational safety and health tend to have safer workers.

Industrial Facilities in Prince George

The Problem: Occupational Safety Hazards Put Workers at Risk

Industrial worksites contain many occupational safety hazards that put workers at risk of injury or illness. These occupational hazards can include:

  • Hazardous materials 
  • Heavy machinery
  • Strenuous labor
  • Extreme weather

Without adequate safety measures, workers face unnecessary risks of injury, illness, or even death on the job. The human impact is clear, but workplace accidents also hurt businesses through:

  • Lost productivity
  • Fines and legal fees
  • Increased insurance costs
  • Reputational damage

Clearly, unsafe working conditions in Prince George create problems for both workers and employers.

The Solution: Comprehensive OHS Services

Fortunately, most workplace injuries can be prevented through a combination of education, basic training, and safety programs. By partnering with an experienced Workplace Health and Safety provider, businesses can create healthy workplaces for their employees.

OHS Services for a Positive Safety Culture:

Comprehensive OHS services contain interlocking components, creating layers of protection. Core elements include:

  • Safety manuals and policies: Detailed rules and procedures to mitigate risks
  • Accredited safety training programs: Education to change behaviors
  • Safety Consulting Services & Irwin's Safety Professionals: Experts who can identify hazards and improve safety plans
  • Respiratory Fit Testing

  • Annual safety audits: Assess worksites to find new dangers
  • Risk assessments: Gauge hazards for necessary precautions
  • Worker exposure monitoring: Track employees' contact with harmful elements

The Benefits: Safe and Productive Worksites

Together, these OHS safeguards lead to healthy, safe workplaces where risks are minimized. With protective OHS measures in place, companies can expect:

  • Fewer injuries and illnesses: Fewer catastrophic incidents and minor accidents
  • Increased efficiency: Less downtime from injuries
  • Improved reputation: Responsible image to customers and workers
  • Higher retention: Employees want to work at safe sites

By partnering with safety specialists for core OHS services, industry leaders in the Prince George region can make major strides in safeguarding their indispensable workforce.

Partner with Irwin's Safety Experts

As a full-service OHS provider, Irwin's Safety offers customized workplace safety solutions. Our definite plan of action includes:

  • Safety Program Design: Tailored safety program manuals scaled to each worksite
  • Accredited Training: 250+ courses to build hazard awareness (In-class and Online Safety Training Courses)
  • Indigenous Inclusion: Local First Nation community engagement for relevant education

With decades of safety experience assisting Canadian industry, Irwin's Safety strives to empower companies to fulfill their duty of care and corporate responsibility. Our goal is to eliminate preventable tragedies through workplace safety education and programming.

Contact our OHS experts today to discuss your unique requirements. Together, we can ensure PG workers make it home safely at the end of every shift.

1560 3rd Ave,
Prince George, BC, V2L 3G6

Mining Support Services in Prince George 

The mining sector drives British Columbia's economy, powered by resilient communities with quality job opportunities. Prince George serves as a hub for mining industries, with abundant training and career options in occupational health and safety (OH&S). 

The Opportunity 

Mining sector provides high-paying job opportunities and resilient communities around Williams Lake and Prince George.

However, successfully starting a career in mining can be challenging without proper site safety program training for operating road mining equipment or completing job duties for various mining roles. Specialized safety skills and certification are required to safely comply with mining regulations. 

OH&S in the Mining Sector 

Mining involves significant health risks from operating heavy equipment, exposure to environmental hazards, and physically demanding labor. A strong OH&S program is crucial for accident prevention and maintaining worker well-being. 

Irwin's Safety provides essential OH&S mining support services, including: 

We collaborate with indigenous groups to offer inclusive training and jobs. Investing in local communities builds capacity and resilience. 

Building Capacity in Local Communities 

We collaborate with indigenous groups to provide inclusive OH&S and general mining job training. By investing in the local community, we empower residents with expertise to safely capitalize on well-paying career opportunities in their backyards. 

We often provide:

  • Alerts for regional mining jobs 
  • Mining skills courses for all levels 
  • Emergency response training for mining accidents 
  • Supplying and servicing equipment 

Why Choose Us

When selecting a mining safety partner, expertise and reliability are key. Irwin’s Safety has over 15 years of experience delivering trusted services to extractive industries across Canada. We build local capacity while keeping operations productive and workers safe. 

Choose Irwin's Safety for: 

  • Specialized Training 
  • Local Partnerships 
  • Emergency Response 
  • Risk Assessments 
  • OH&S Protocols 
  • Workforce Services 
  • Equipment Supply 
  • Community Building 

With Irwin’s Safety, you gain a partner invested in the well-being of northern communities and workers. We collaborate to launch sustainable careers that provide security for families while producing essential resources. 


What are the occupational hazards of mining? 

The main occupational hazards of mining include: 

  • Rock falls/tunnel collapse: Mines involve tunnels that can be dangerous if not properly reinforced. Falling rocks or rubble are hazards. 
  • Gas/chemical leaks: Miners may be exposed to hazardous gas leaks or dust. Chemicals used in processing can also be dangerous if mishandled. 
  • Noise-induced hearing loss: The loud noise of heavy machinery can cause gradual hearing damage over time. This is a common issue. 
  • Respiratory illness: Dust, gas, and fumes can irritate the lungs or cause respiratory diseases like silicosis without protective equipment. 
  • Heat stress/exhaustion: Deep mine environments generate extreme heat that strains the body, and causes dehydration and exhaustion without ventilation or breaks. 

What are the safety rules of mines? 

The main safety rules for mines include: 

  • Regular equipment inspection: All equipment like vehicles or tools should have routine checks to confirm proper working order per protocols. 
  • Following safety procedures: Standard processes protect workers from harm, like reinforcing tunnels. Staff need to actively use safety gear and comply with regulations. 
  • Using PPE appropriately: Personal protective equipment like respirators, ear plugs, and hard hats mitigate exposure per area risks when worn properly. 
  • Reporting unsafe conditions: Workers who spot dangers like cracks or puddles of chemicals must immediately inform their supervisor to prevent accidents. 
  • Adhering to air quality standards: Mines must actively monitor air quality for gas leaks and ensure ventilation meets regulated thresholds. 

What is the biggest risk of mining? 

The leading cause of death and injury in mines is vehicle/machinery accidents. Collisions between mobile equipment like loaders or trucks and workers frequently occur in mines. Staying aware and following right-of-way protocols is crucial when machinery is operating. 

Partner For Safe, Ethical Mining 

Mining is essential to work that fuels Canadian communities, yet carries risks if safety is compromised. Irwin’s Safety partners with Northern Mines to put skilled local workers on the job with wrap-around supports. With oversight spanning risk assessment, training, emergency response, equipment checks, and more, we empower safe, ethical mining. 

Contact us to discuss a custom solution for your mine’s occupational health, workforce capacity, and emergency response needs. We make compliance second nature while building resilient communities. 

1560 3rd Ave, 
Prince George, BC, V2L 3G6
Detailed Assesment

Keeping Workers Safe with Irwin's OH&S Consulting Services in Prince George 

Occupational health and safety (OHS) should be a primary focus for every Northern BC industry. Without proper safety programs, policies, and procedures in place, local workplaces risk injury to employees and non-compliance with WorkSafeBC regulations.

As Prince George's safety consultants and OHS program developers, Irwin's Safety aims to control these risks. We offer a wide variety of consulting services, safety audits, and hazard identification to create healthy workplaces and positive safety cultures for British Columbia's industries.

Local Workplace Injuries & Health Hazards

Workplace injuries and illnesses create suffering and loss. In addition to the human impact, they also negatively affect productivity and profitability.

According to WorkSafeBC, the industry sectors with the highest injury rates in Northern BC include construction, transportation, forestry, mining, oil & gas extraction, and manufacturing.

Common local problems include:

  • Lack of formal OHS procedures, safety policies, and compliance with regulations
  • Improper safety training on workplace hazards and safe operating procedures
  • Inadequate safety equipment and industrial hygiene services

Without addressing these issues, Prince George's workplaces experience:

  • Increased workplace accidents, injuries, and near misses
  • Occupational risk of injury from chemical or biological exposures
  • Lower employee morale and productivity

"Creating a culture of safety and prevention is the most effective way to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses in B.C.” - Al Johnson, Head of Prevention Services, WorkSafeBC

OHS Safety Consultants in Prince George

Irwin's Safety helps local organizations overcome workplace safety and health issues. Our safety consulting services include:

Custom OHS Safety Programs & Manuals

We create customized Northern BC safety programs, safety manuals, and site-specific plans meeting all regulatory requirements.

Safety Audits

Detailed safety audits proactively identify hazards before they cause workplace exposure. Audits evaluate equipment, processes, culture, and regulatory compliance.

Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Assessments

We conduct in-depth job hazard analyses for Northern BC worksites and recommend proven engineering, administrative and PPE controls to mitigate risks.

Workplace injuries don't have to be the cost of doing business in PG. By working with Irwin's Safety, local companies can transform their safety culture to protect their most valuable asset - their employees.

Local Safety Training Programs in Prince George

We offer a wide variety of accredited safety training programs to control risks conducted by Irwin's Safety Professionals. Safety training courses can be delivered on-site covering industry/job-specific Northern BC hazards.

Be Proactive in Creating a Strong Safety Culture in Prince George

We have over a decade of experience tailoring safety solutions for Northern BC's unique industrial workplaces. The mines, mills, plants, and logging contractors in this region face distinct hazards requiring specialized knowledge.

Irwin's Safety has qualified OHS consultants and safety advisors to walk alongside Prince George's organizations on their safety journey. We move beyond just compliance to embedding employee health and safety into the core values of your workplace.

Protect your team and your bottom line. Contact us to get started on improving safety culture today.

1560 3rd Ave, 
Prince George, BC, V2L 3G6

Turnaround Support Services in Prince George

Industrial facilities in Prince George rely on regular maintenance turnarounds to keep operations running safely and efficiently. However large-scale turnaround projects bring complex coordination challenges. Irwin's Safety offers specialized turnaround support to help a wide range of industrial facilities in PG mitigate risks and optimize results.

With decades of experience servicing North America's industrial sector, Irwin's Safety provides major turnaround activities such as planning, safety training, and emergency response services for successful turnarounds.

We provide various OH&S services to industries such as mining, oil & gas, power generation, petrochemicals, industrial, and manufacturing.

Challenges of Industrial Turnarounds

Major maintenance turnarounds are needed periodically to overhaul infrastructure, replace equipment, and update facilities. But these large-scale projects come with significant challenges, including:

  • Coordination complexity - Turnarounds require extensive planning to schedule material orders, contractors, permits, outages and more. Missed steps can delay projects.
  • Safety risks - With many contractors on-site and non-routine work, injury risks increase. Stringent protocols are essential.
  • Revenue impacts - Production halts during outages, resulting in revenue losses. Efficient execution is key to productivity.
  • Equipment issues - Re-commissioning old equipment can reveal problems. Unexpected repairs or replacements are costly.
  • Community impacts - Flaring, noise, and traffic may increase. Facilities must manage local relations.

Without proper turnaround management, these challenges lead to budget/schedule overruns, safety incidents, and business reputation damage. A strategic partner is key to mitigating turnaround risks.

Turnaround Safety and Support

The Government of Canada notes that proactive engagement and partnerships with Indigenous groups are key for major resource development projects on traditional territories.

Irwin's Safety helps industrial facilities in Prince George maximize turnaround success by providing:

Careful Planning & Scheduling of Planned Turnarounds

  • Developing detailed project plans aligning all required elements
  • Creating optimized schedules with contingency for risks
  • Coordinating contractors, permits, materials, and outages

Specialized Training for Facility Outages

  • Delivering safety and technical training to all personnel involved
  • Ensuring competency on new equipment or procedures
  • Offering continued education for existing staff

Controlled Execution

  • Managing logistics like traffic control and deliveries
  • Overseeing safe work permit systems
  • Providing 24/7 emergency response services
  • Auditing activities regularly for compliance

Local Industry Partners

  • Engaging Indigenous community members in employment
  • Using qualified northern contractors and vendors
  • Maintaining strong local government relations

Proactive Risk Mitigation

  • Conducting hazard assessments to identify risks
  • Implementing robust safety protocols and emergency response plans
  • Monitoring for early signs of budget or schedule overruns
  • Performing emergency services, as needed

By leveraging our turnaround expertise and localized partnerships, we enable facilities to minimize risks and liabilities while achieving optimum production after outages.

Partnering with Irwin's for Successful Turnarounds

Irwin's Safety has supported northern BC's industrial sector through hundreds of major turnaround projects. Our integrated services control costs, enhance safety, optimize changeover efficiency, and reduce community impacts.

We customize support to meet each facility's specific infrastructure, equipment, and operational needs in Prince George. Contact us today to discuss upholding business objectives through your next crucial turnaround.

1560 3rd Ave, 
Prince George, BC, V2L 3G6


Regardless of your safety needs as a growing business, established company, or large-scale corporation, IRWIN'S SAFETY is ready to team up with you to generate incredible results. From Emergency Response Planning to achieving COR certification, we've got you covered. If it is safety related, you can be certain we do it.

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