
OFA 3 (Occupational First Aid)

Course Objective:

OFA 3 (Occupational First Aid) certifies trainees with a Level 3 Occupational First Aid Certificate. This permits graduates to work as a Level 3 certified Occupational First Aid attendant on a worksite in BC.

Learning Objectives & Specific Outcomes:

WorkSafe BC Level 3 Occupational First Aid is an Emergency Services Training course. Trainees learn to make scene assessments and provide patient care. Large worksites further than 20 minutes from a hospital typically need at least one Level 3 Occupational First Attendant on-site. L3 attendants deal with medical emergencies, provide basic life support and CPR, make transport decisions and more.

Topics Include:

The two-week Level 3 Occupational First Aid course combines classroom experience with hands-on training. In-class, participants learn OFA L3 roles and responsibilities and relevant first aid legislation. Trainees also learn how to perform advanced diagnoses and assessments, respond to emergency calls, and manage pregnancy/labour, multiple casualty incidents and patient extraction and transportation.

In the hands-on portion, participants learn extended first aid fundamentals, including responding to medical emergencies, handling conscious and unconscious patients, and providing basic life support. Airway, respiratory, and circulatory emergencies are covered, including insertion of oral airways and oxygen equipment as well as CPR. The course also covers major and minor injuries, shock, bleeding, head and spinal injuries, eye, ear, and nose injuries, extreme temperature exposure and more. Trainees must pass a written exam and a hands-on practicum to receive their certificates.



OFA 3 (Occupational First Aid)


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OFA 3 (Occupational First Aid)

Course Details

  • Professional First Aider Responsibilities
  • Expanded Understanding of First Aid Concepts and Practices
  • Patient Transportation and Multiple-Casualty Incidents
  • Advanced Assessments and Ongoing Care
  • Emergency Response
  • Kelowna
  • Prince Rupert
  • Prince George
  • Your Location
  • 10 Days
  • Physical mobility and ability to perform CPR (Note: Level 1 or 2 not required)
  • WorkSafeBC
  • 3 Years