Driving Safe No Matter the Conditions
by Jackson Bonetti, on Oct 18, 2017 10:35:00 AM
As the seasons change so do the road conditions, and as the roads get worse the chances for traffic collisions increases greatly. While driving defensively and being aware of the conditions reduce the chances of these accidents, it is key to also reduce speed and increase driving distance between cars. In this post I'll cover a few tips and tricks from the experts on how to stay safe.

Be Prepared
- Complete seasonal maintenance in early fall and install your winter tires once the temperature starts to drop
Have emergency items in your vehicle
- Keep a survival kit in your car that includes some non-perishable food, a first-aid kit, candles and anything else that you may need in case of an emergency
Pay Attention
- Although you should never be driving while using your cell phone, be especially vigilant about not using it during poor driving conditions
Drive how the conditions allow
- When the road conditions are poor due to ice, rain or snow remember to give extra distance to the car ahead of you, this will give you extra time to stop and if you are rear ended you will be able to stop before hitting the car in front of you
Stay Calm
- Sometimes, in bad conditions, sliding and fishtailing are unavoidable. When this happens it is important to stay calm and steer into the skid and lightly accelerate to regain control
Remember that being alert and driving defensively are the most important factors in reducing collisions regardless of the conditions.
Stay safe Irwinners!