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What Exactly Is A Respirator Fit Test and Why Is It So Important?

by admin, on Sep 29, 2015 9:00:00 PM



Respirator Fit Test

Within Canada, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) exists at both a provincial or federal level. It sets out the minimum requirements for health and safety in workplaces. When it comes to working in hazardous environments where contaminants, particulates, vapours, and toxins could negatively impact workers, or possibly lead to death, fitting them properly for appropriate respirators is essential. Everyday thousands of construction workers, boilermakers, or emergency responders don a respirator in order to conduct their work. They do this not as a fashion statement, but as a preventative measure to ensure their health and safety, while being compliant with OHS requirements. OHS requires fit testing to meet the OSHA Standard 1910.134 for respiratory fit testing.


As an industry leading health and safety company, Irwin’s Safety offers services that exceed the minimum OHS requirements. Since its inception, Irwin’s Safety has completed countless respiratory fit tests for their employees, contractors, and clients. With our recent partnership with the University of British Columbia, we are providing daily fit tests for students and workers on campus. Whether a quantitative or qualitative fit test is required, both can be completed on-site, at our four different corporate locations, or at your place of business.


With the assistance of our trained administrative staff, we are able to complete a comprehensive and accurate fit test for people to determine the proper fit that is suitable for their facial structure. Without a proper fit test, the risk of using a respirator that is too small or large, or one that is not designed for the hazard that is present, could lead to serious injury or long term problems!


As a safety company we not only provide fit testing, we also provide skilled confined space rescue technicians who are practically trained and prepared for any industrial rescue situation. In terms of respiratory hazards, our technicians understand the proper use and functions of a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) which is a vital piece of life preserving equipment. Not only are we competent in providing respiratory fit testing, Irwin’s Safety staff is also very knowledgeable of respirator equipment and its uses because we are required to use it for own jobs and projects.


We are committed to creating safe workplaces throughout Canada and this starts with individual training and awareness. Before your annual fit test expires, or if you identify the need for your workers to wear a respirator, give Irwin’s Safety a call. We would like to play a part in sending your employees home safely to their loved ones.


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