2 Types of Safety Performance Measures

by Irwin's Marketing Team, on Dec 27, 2023 10:47:15 AM

When it comes to workplace safety, what gets measured gets managed.

Safety performance metrics provide crucial data to drive prevention and improvement. But with so many potential indicators to track, it can get confusing. Let's break down the two most essential safety performance measures that every organization should monitor. 

safety performance measures types

Defining Safety Performance Metrics 

Safety performance measures are data-based scores that quantify an organization's ability to protect workers from harm. By tracking key metrics over time, companies can identify safety issues and measure progress in reducing incidents. 

Why measure safety performance? 

Monitoring safety performance is crucial for several reasons: 

  • It shows where additional safety efforts are needed. If you track injury rates, incident reports, near misses, etc. you can catch problem areas early. Then you can take corrective actions to improve things before major accidents happen. 
  • It motivates people to follow safety protocols. When employees know their safety behaviors are being measured, they tend to be more diligent in following proper procedures, wearing PPE, reporting issues, and so on. They want the stats to look good!  
  • It helps target safety training. The data collected from safety metrics allows you to see where additional training may be beneficial. If back injuries are up, maybe you institute better lifting programs. If eye injuries are rising, maybe more PPE re-training is warranted. 
  • It’s used to set safety goals and benchmarks. Historical safety performance data allows you to establish realistic targets for future improvement. Leadership can then allocate resources accordingly to meet those marks. 

Simply making the effort to regularly analyze and communicate safety KPIs shows workers that you’re serious about providing a safe working environment. That goes a long way in earning their trust and engagement on safety issues. 

2 Key Safety Metrics 

1. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)

The LTIFR specifically tracks injuries that resulted in lost work time. It represents the number of lost time injuries occurring per 1 million hours worked. 

For example, if a company had 2 lost time injuries over the last year, and employees worked a total of 500,000 hours that year, their LTIFR would be: 

(2 Lost Time Injuries / 500,000 Hours Worked) x 1,000,000 = 4.0 

The lower the LTIFR score, the better, as it means fewer serious injuries are happening. 

2. Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)

The TRIR provides a broader look by encompassing all recordable workplace injuries and illnesses. This includes lost time cases as well as those requiring medical treatment beyond just first aid. The TRIR is calculated per 1 million hours worked. 

For instance, a TRIR of 6.5 indicates 6.5 recordable incidents for every 1 million hours on the job. This provides a comprehensive safety benchmark. 

Why These Metrics Matter 

When numbers trend down, it shows safety initiatives are working to reduce incidents. Spikes should trigger an investigation into what caused more injuries and how to prevent recurrences. 

These metrics also allow safety comparisons across sites, teams, and industries to identify higher-risk areas needing intervention. Strong safety performance measures protect both workers and the business by driving continuous improvement. What gets measured in safety gets managed more effectively! 

Choose Irwin's!

At Irwin's Safety, we provide Safety Performance Reports that are meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Our comprehensive reports focus on analyzing various safety metrics, identifying potential hazards, and recommending effective strategies to improve workplace safety. Utilizing the latest data analysis techniques, these reports offer insights into trends and patterns, helping companies to proactively address safety concerns before they escalate. With a commitment to excellence, Irwin's Safety ensures that each report is not only informative but also actionable, enabling clients to make informed decisions that foster a safer, more productive work environment.

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